idnetter menggunakan Plugin Anti Spam Antispam Bee dari pluginkollektiv, selain settingannya yang mudah Antispam Bee juga ampuh untuk menangani spam pada komentar & trackback secara efektif dengan fitur tanpa captcha. Plugin anti spam gratis ini telah di download dan aktif sebanyak 200.000 lebih pengguna. Berikut fitur dari antispam bee yang saya ambil dari situs resmi download plugin di WordPress.

Fitur Ampuh Antispam Bee
- Trust approved commenters.
- Trust commenters with a Gravatar.
- Consider the comment time.
- Treat BBCode as spam.
- Validate the IP address of commenters.
- Use regular expressions.
- Search local spam database for commenters previously marked as spammers.
- Match against a public anti-spam database.
- Notify admins by e-mail about incoming spam.
- Delete existing spam after n days.
- Limit approval to comments/pings (will delete other comment types).
- Select spam indicators to send comments to deletion directly.
- Optionally exclude trackbacks and pingbacks from spam detection.
- Optionally spam-check comment forms on archive pages.
- Display spam statistics on the dashboard, including daily updates of spam detection rate and a total of blocked spam comments.
Quote dari Matt Mullenweg
“…another popular solution to fight spam is Antispam Bee”—Matt Mullenweg, Q&A WordCamp Europe 2014
Mau coba? Download
Selamat mencoba kawan.
Hi Mas Omar
Saya juga mulai pakai AntiSpam Bee. Enak gak ribet harus aktifasi dulu. Sejauh ini tingkat keampuhannya gak jauh beda juga sama Akismet.
Hi juga Mas Syafiq, itu dia karena kemudahaannya saya pakai AntiSpam bee. Tapi beberapa spam masih suka lolos 😀