Eprints adalah software gratis dan open source untuk membangun perpustakaan digital dan repository institusi. Eprints banyak digunakan sebagai repository kelembagaan dan jurnal ilmiah, seperti di universitas.
Berikut panduan cara install EPrints di Ubuntu/Debian selengkapnya. Sebagai contoh berikut detail subdomain dan spesifikasi server Linux yang digunakan pada tutorial ini:
- Sub-domain:
- Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Untuk Operasi sistem bisa menggunakan Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS atau Ubuntu 20.04 LTS dan Debian 9.
Arahkan domain ke IP server
Sebelum instalasi Eprints, arahkan DNS domain ke IP server agar setelah selesai instalasi, Eprints dapat diakses langsung melalui subdomain via browser.
Instalasi EPrints dari paket DEB. Menurut saya ini adalah cara yang paling mudah. Login dengan akun root pada terminal SSH. Kemudian ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
Tambahkan repository EPrints
Buat file di /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eprints.list
nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eprints.list
deb http://deb.eprints.org/3.4/stable/ ./
Install gnupg
Install paklet gnupg agar dapat menambahkan APT key
apt install gnupg -y
Tambahkan dependensi EPrints dan update
Download APT key EPrints dan update
wget -O - http://deb.eprints.org/keyFile | apt-key add - apt-get update
Cek rilis versi terbaru EPrints
Dalam contoh ini EPrints 3.4.3
apt-cache show eprints
Install EPrints
Jika sudah dapat versinya install dan pilih versi yang ditetapkan
apt-get install eprints=3.4.3
Tunggu sampai selesai. EPrints akan diinstall di dalam direktori /usr/share/eprints
Setup user root MySQL
Secara default Eprints akan menginstall Apache dan MySQL, untuk akun root MySQL kita perlu mengganti passwordnya, dimana akun root MySQL akan digunakan untuk konfirmasi saat membuat file konfigurasi Archive yang akan kita buat pada EPrints.
mysql -v use mysql; ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'gantikatasandiku'; flush privileges; exit;
Setup EPrints
Selannjutnya mulai setup EPrints dan membuat Archive. Pada EPrints 3.4 (terbaru) ada dua opsi untuk membuat Archive, yakni:
- zero (minimal)
- pub (Include Bazaar Eprints plugin)
Dan pada kesempatan ini kita pilih pub
, mari kita mulai
Beralih ke user eprints
Kita perlu beralih ke user eprints
dan masuk ke direktori dimana EPrints terinstall agar dapat menjalankan perintah epadmin
su eprints cd /usr/share/eprints
Menambahkan publications flavour
Secara default EPrints instalasi via DEB hanya menyediakan ‘zero’ flavour, jadi kita akan menambahkan publications flavour sendiri, ikuti perintah berikut:
wget https://files.eprints.org/2551/8/eprints-3.4.3-flavours.tar.gz
tar -xzvf eprints-3.4.3-flavours.tar.gz -C /usr/share/eprints/
mv /usr/share/eprints/eprints-3.4.3/flavours /usr/share/eprints/
rmdir /usr/share/eprints/eprints-3.4.3/
chown -R eprints:www-data /usr/share/eprints/flavours
Buat Archive baru
Membuat Archive baru dengan command epadmin
. Untuk semua opsi dan parameternya bisa dilihat melalui bin/epadmin --help
Mulai setup
bin/epadmin create pub
Perhatikan Bagian yang daya tandai warna merah serta tombol dan ikuti instruksinya:
Create a zero Repository Please select an ID for the repository, which will be used to create a directory and identify the repository. Lower case letters and numbers, may not start with a number. examples: "lemurprints" or "test3" Archive ID? repository Configure vital settings? [yes] ? Enter Core configuration for repository Please enter the fully qualified hostname of the repository. For a production system we recommend against using the real hostname of the machine. Example: repository.footle.ac.uk Hostname? repo.idnetter.com Please enter the port of the webserver. This is probably 80, but you may wish to run apache on a different port if you are experimenting. Webserver Port [80] ? Enter Please enter all the aliases which could reach the repository, and indicate if you would like EPrints to write a Redirect Rule to redirect requests to this alias to the correct URL. Some suggestions: repo.idnetter.com repo.idnetter Enter a single hash (#) when you're done. Alias (enter # when done) [#] ? Enter Please enter the path part of the repository's base URL. This should probably be '/'. Path [/] ? Enter If you will use https for your user pages (including login) enter the https hostname here, or leave blank when using http only. HTTPS Hostname [] ? Enter Administrator Email? [email protected] Enter the name of the repository in the default language. If you wish to enter other titles for other languages or enter non ascii characters then you may enter something as a placeholder and edit the XML config file which this script generates. Archive Name [Test Repository] ? idnetter Repository Enter the name of the organisation in the default language. Again, if you wish to enter other titles for other languages or enter non ascii characters then you may enter something as a placeholder and edit the XML config file which this script generates. Organisation Name [Organisation of Test] ? Digital Library idnetter.com Write these core settings? [yes] ? Enter Wrote /usr/share/eprints/archives/repository/cfg/cfg.d/adminemail.pl Wrote /usr/share/eprints/archives/repository/cfg/cfg.d/10_core.pl Wrote /usr/share/eprints/archives/repository/cfg/lang/en/phrases/archive_name.xml Configure database? [yes] ? Enter Configuring Database for: repository Database Name [repository] ? db_eprints MySQL Host [localhost] ? Enter You probably don't need to set socket and port (unless you do!?). MySQL Port (# for no setting) [#] ? Enter MySQL Socket (# for no setting) [#] ? Enter Database User [repository] ? user_eprints Database Password [bvZKOVpT] ? Enter Database Engine [InnoDB] ? Enter Write these database settings? [yes] ? Enter Wrote /usr/share/eprints/archives/repository/cfg/cfg.d/database.pl EPrints can create the database, and grant the correct permissions. Create database "db_eprints" [yes] ? Enter Database Superuser Username [root] ? Enter Database Superuser Password? Password root MySQL yang telah kita atur Create database tables? [yes] ? Enter Creating database tables… Set DB compatibility flag to '3.3.4'. Done creating database tables. Create an initial user? [yes] ? Enter Creating a new user in repository Enter a username [admin] ? Enter Select a user type (user|editor|admin) [admin] ? Enter Enter Password? Ketik password baru untuk admin EPrints Email? [email protected] Successfully created new user: ID: 1 Do you want to build the static web pages? [yes] ? Enter Starting EPrints Repository. Connecting to DB … done. Importing from /usr/share/eprints/archives/repository/cfg/subjects… Done importing 4 subjects from /usr/share/eprints/archives/repository/cfg/subjects Reindexing subject dataset to set ancestor data Reindexing item: subject/a Reindexing item: subject/a1 Reindexing item: subject/b Reindexing item: subject/subjects Done reindexing Ending EPrints Repository. Exiting normally. Do you want to update the apache config files? (you still need to add the 'Include' line) [yes] ? Enter Add the following line to your apache configuration: Include /usr/share/eprints/cfg/apache.conf You must restart apache for any changes to take effect! That seemed to more or less work… Now make any required changes to the cfg files. Note that changing the metadata configuration may require the database tables to be regenerated. epadmin erase_data will regenerate the eprints and documents tables only. erase_data will regenerate everything. (nb. these also do erase the contents of the tables, and any uploaded files). Make sure that your main apache config file contains the line: Include /usr/share/eprints/cfg/apache.conf Then stop and start your webserver: Often: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start (or maybe /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl stop & start) And then try connecting to your repository. Don't forget to register your repository at http://roar.eprints.org/
Logout dari user eprints
Logout dari user eprints (kembali sebagai user root)
Sampai disini sudah selesai. Untuk memastikan semua berjalan lancar, exit restart Apache2.
systemctl restart apache2
Install Perl library: Date::Calc dan GEO::IP
Jika diperlukan untuk instalasi plugin Eprints, silahkan install terlebih dahulu library Perl berikut:
- libgeo-ip-perl
- libdatetime-perl
- libdate-calc-perl
apt update -y
apt install -y libdate-calc-perl libgeo-ip-perl libdatetime-perl
- https://zoomadmin.com/HowToInstall/UbuntuPackage/libgeo-ip-perl
- https://zoomadmin.com/HowToInstall/UbuntuPackage/libdate-calc-perl
- https://zoomadmin.com/HowToInstall/UbuntuPackage/libdatetime-perl
Uji coba Eprints
Buka browser dan akses subdomain Eprints. Login sebagai admin pastikan semua bisa diakses termasuk Eprints Bazaar.
Selesai, semoga bermanfaat.
idnetter.com melayani jasa install Eprints dengan harga terjangkau. Kontak kami melalui WhatsApp 081235008433
Malam Gan, bisa bantu untuk setting email di eprints nya? eprints sudah terinstall namun tidak bisa kirim email
Kalau ada yang error Can’t locate CGI.pm di Debian install ini
apt-get install libcgi-session-perl
Untuk Eprints 3.4.4 perlu menambahkan baris:
pada file /usr/share/eprints/flavours/pub_lib/incsumber: https://wiki.eprints.org/w/EPrints_3.4.4