Cara install VPSSIM (VPS Simple)

Panduan cara install VPSSIM (VPS Simple). VPSSIM adalah script untuk install dan optimasi Nginx, MariaDB dan PHP di Linux khususnya CentOS 6 & 7 (LEMP Stack). Dengan VPSSIM mengelola VPS untuk hosting web jauh lebih mudah dan menghemat waktu dibanding setup manual satu persatu.

Berikut langkah-langkah install VPSSIM di CentOS 7

Login dengan akun root via SSH, kemudian jalankan perintah ini:

curl -o vpssim && sh vpssim

Selanjutnya ada beberapa pilihan, pertama, tekan angka 1 dan tekan Enter, untuk instalasi VPSSIM.

Check VPS function: VPSSIM will check: VPS info (location, server type,
CPU type, RAM, HDD speed...), SpeedTest ...
You also can use this check VPS function after setup VPSSIM.
1) Setup VPSSIM Now
2) Check This VPS
Type in your choice: 1

Memilih port untuk phpmyadmin, email dan katasandi untuk phpMyAdmin dan root MySQL, range portnya 100 – 65535

Fill Out Your Information:
Type In PhpMyAdmin Port [ENTER]: 2223
Type in Your eMail [ENTER]: [email protected]
Password protect phpMyAdmin must be at least 8 characters long.
Type in the password protect phpMyAdmin [ENTER]: KataSandiKu99
Password for root of MySQL must be at least 8 characters long.
Type in the password for root of MySQL [ENTER]: KataSandiKu99

Memilih versi MariaDB, tekan angka 2 dan Enter

Choose MariaDB Version
1) MariaDB 10.3
2) MariaDB 10.2
3) MariaDB 10.1
4) MariaDB 10.0
Type in your choice: 2

Memilih versi Nginx, pilih 2 dan tekan Enter

1) Nginx Mainline Version
2) Nginx Stable Version
Type in your choice: 2


VPSSIM Will Setup Your Server Follow The Information Below:
Your eMail: [email protected]
phpMyAdmin Port: 9000
phpMyAdmin Version: 4.8.4
Password protect phpMyadmin: KataSandiKu99
MariaDB Version: 10.2
Password for root of MySQL: KataSandiKu99
Nginx Version: Stable Version
PHP Version: 7.1
VPSSIM Version:
1) Agree
2) Do Not Agree
Type in your choice: 1

Tekan 1 dan Enter, versi PHPnya bisa diubah nanti, jadi tidak perlu kuatir. Untuk saat ini yang penting instalasi berhasil.

VPSSIM have completed the installation process.
Command to call VPSSIM: vpssim
Link to manage Server:
Manage login's info:
Username: support | Password: KataSandiKu99
Change this login info:
VPSSIM menu ==> Secure Server & Website ==> Default User & Password.
Manage's info saved in: /home/VPSSIM-manage-info.txt
Server will restart after 3 seconds ...

Jangan lupa simpan detail informasi akun phpMyAdmin dan root MySQL yang Anda setup tadi.

Server akan otomatis direboot yang menandakan VPSSIM telah selesai diinstall dengan sempurna.

Untuk mengakses menu VPSSIM jalankan perintah


Tampilan menu VPSSIM

 1) Add Website & Code              19) Backup VPS To Google Drive
 2) Remove Website                  20) Setup File Manager
 3) Backup & Restore Code           21) Setup Net2FTP
 4) Database Manage                 22) Setup MonstaFTP
 5) PhpMyadmin Manage               23) Setup NetData
 6) Zend OPcache Manage             24) Setup FreeSSL (Let's Encrypt)
 7) Memcached Manage                25) Setup PaidSSL (Comodo...)
 8) Redis Cache Manage              26) Tools - Addons
 9) FTP Account Manage              27) Update System (Nginx,PHP...)
10) Swap Manage                     28) Re-config VPS (PHP & MySQL)
11) Cronjob Manage                  29) Change Timezone Server & PHP
12) Log File Manage                 30) Clear All Caches
13) Google PageSpeed Manage         31) Check Server Status & Info
14) Change PHP Settings             32) Auto Send eMail Service Status
15) WordPress Blog Tools            33) Update VPSSIM
16) Secure Server & Website         34) Change Language To VietNamese
17) Backup Data To VPS Backup       35) Register Business Version
18) Resilio Sync Manage

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