Aturannya setup email adalah banner HELO dan PTR harus cocok, jika setup PTR saja, ini belum cukup. Jika kita uji dengan akan tampak pesan kesalahan HELO Exim seperti di bawah ini:
Your reverse DNS does not match with your sending domain.
Reverse DNS lookup or reverse DNS resolution (rDNS) is the determination of a domain name that is associated with a given IP address.
Some companies such as AOL will reject any message sent from a server without rDNS, so you must ensure that you have one.
You cannot associate more than one domain name with a single IP address.
Your IP address is associated with the domain
Nevertheless your message appears to be sent from
You may want to change your pointer (PTR type) DNS record and the host name of your server to the same value.
Here are the tested values for this check: IP: HELO: rDNS:
Kita perlu mencari konfigurasi mailhelo
, pada cPanel CentOS 7 Cloudlinux, Exim HELO mail letak file konfigurasinya ada di /etc/mailhelo
jika memakai distribusi Linux berbeda silahkan cari via grep -inr '' /etc/
Setelah ketemu, edit dan samakan dengan hostname
, contoh
Via WHM cPanel
di WHM cPanel ini harus rebuild DNS cache karena cpanel menyimpan cache di folder /var/cpanel/configs.cache
dan file di /var/cpanel/ip_rdns_cache.json
Sekarang rebuild rDNS cache: WHM >> Home >> Service Configuration >> Exim Configuration Manager > Rebuild RDNS Cache

Kemudian, restart Exim.
Yang pakai cPanel silahkan check update di: cPanel docs
Semoga bermanfaat.